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List of Publications

  1. D. Fundinger. Toward the Calculation of Higher-Dimensional Stable Manifolds for Noninvertible and Piecewise-Smooth Maps. Journal of Nonlinear Science. Published online.

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  2. D. Fundinger. Investigating Dynamics by Multilevel Phase Space Discretization. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007.

  3. D. Fundinger, Implementation of the Smybolic Image. In G.S. Osipenko. Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and Algorithms. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1889:253-279. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007.

  4. D. Fundinger, T. Lindström, G. S. Osipenko. On the appearance of multiple attractors in discrete food-chains. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 184(2):429-444, 2007.

  5. V. Avrutin, D. Fundinger, P. Levi, G. S. Osipenko, and M. Schanz. Investigation of dynamical systems using symbolic images: Efficient implementation and applications. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 16(12), 2006.

  6. D. Fundinger. Investigating dynamics by symbolic analysis: Tunings for an efficient computation of the symbolic image. Differential Equations and Control Processes, (3):16--37, 2005. Available at

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  7. D. Fundinger. On the investigation of attractors: Algorithms for the localization of the domain of attraction. In N. V. Smironova and V. N. Starkova, eds., Control Processes and Stability: 36th scientific conference of students and Ph.D. students., pages 418 -- 424. St. Petersburg State University, 2005. In Russian.

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  8. D. Fundinger and G. S. Osipenko. Computation of attractors and their basins. In G. S. Osipenko, ed., Fourth International Conference on Tools for Mathematical Modeling, volume 9, pages 193 -- 207. St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, June 2003.

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